Category Archives: L’SHANA TOVA

L’Shana Tova blessings from the Holy Land הַלְלוּיָהּ ✨🌷🤍

I’m seeking Jewish educators and leaders of organizations, institutions, schools and camps for joint collaborations, barters, meaningful and rewarding long term partnerships and win-win opportunities. I resonate with the mission and share a will of spreading loving grace and goodwill among communities and in our world. I immensely appreciate the love of the Torah and […]

תִּכָּתְבוּ וְתֵחָתְמוּ בְּסֵפֶר חַיִּים טובִים וּבְסֵפֶר חַיִּים בְּרָכָה וְשָׁלום וּפַרְנָסָה טובָה 🤍✨💫


הַלְלוּיָהּ 🤍✨💫 שָׁבוּעַ טוֹב תִּכָּתְבוּ וְתֵחָתְמוּ בְּסֵפֶר חַיִּים טובִים וּבְסֵפֶר חַיִּים בְּרָכָה וְשָׁלום וּפַרְנָסָה טובָה K’tiva VeChatima Tovah from the Holy Land. אָמֵן

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם פָּרָשַׁת כִּי–תָבוֹא ♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם פָּרָשַׁת כִּי–תָבוֹא ♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ 🤍✨💫 כְּתִיבָה וַחֲתִימָה טוֹבָה אָמֵן Shabbat Shalom blessings from the Holy Land. L’Shana Tova, God bless us all Amen. תִּכָּתְבוּ וְתֵחָתְמוּ בְּסֵפֶר חַיִּים טובִים וּבְסֵפֶר חַיִּים בְּרָכָה וְשָׁלום וּפַרְנָסָה טובָה ערב שבת ט’ז אֱלוּל תשפ”ג

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם עֲדַת יִשְׂרָאֵל ♡ הַלְלוּיָהּ

כְּתִיבָה וַחֲתִימָה טוֹבָה אָמֵן K’tiva VeChatima Tovah A good writing and sealing Amen. May we will be written and sealed in The Book of Life for a good and blessed year. ערב שבת ט’ אֱלוּל תשפ”ג פָּרָשַׁת כִּֽי־תֵצֵ֥א Sacred Shabbat Shalom blessings from the Holy Land. Chodesh Elul Tov Blessings from the Land of Israel. God bless […]

CHODESH TOV ELUL 5783 ♡ חֹדֶשׁ אֱלוּל טוֹב וּמְבֹרָךְ לְכָל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל

חֹדֶשׁ אֱלוּל טוֹב וּמְבֹרָךְ לְכָל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל תִּכָּתְבוּ וְתֵחָתְמוּ בְּסֵפֶר חַיִּים טובִים אָמֵן Happy Rosh Chodesh Elul Blessings Amen. Wishing us all Chodesh Tov and a good month of Elul blessed with faith, grace and love. CHODESH TOV ELUL 5783 ♡

What are we going to do during the L’Shana Tova workshop?

What are we going to do during the L’Shana Tova workshop? In the workshop, you will joyfully create your own L’Shana Tova greeting cards to be sent to someone special. The workshop is an ideal opportunity to craft together and nurture creativity with live hands-on card-making ideas and skills. Engaging in a Rosh Hashanah tradition […]


Awaken the Divine within. Ascend to new heights. Pass through the gates of Elul shining the gift of giving blessings. Embody Rosh Hashanah ritual by attending a free online workshop that celebrates greeting cards crafting flairs of tradition that channels good fortune. Step out of the matrix before this upcoming Shabbat holiness to relax, find […]

Shavua Tov Blessings from HALELUYA and the Galilee ♡ Ready to fuse tradition and togetherness with creativity? Nurture the love of crafting L’Shana Tova Greeting Cards shimmered by Rosh Hashanah’s blessings of sweetness for a good new year. Envision a spiritual artistic experience that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusion while melting boundaries and polarity, bringing […]

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